Take the Minimum Viable Pro Camera and add:
- auto-focus
- built-in snapseed-like app to edit RAW (not JPEG) and an LCD screen to do this touch editing on
- waterproofing
- interchangeable lenses (all waterproof) or a collapsible waterproof 18-200mm (35mm equivalent) zoom lens with a constant f2.8 aperture or faster
- platform for apps as either plugins to the snapseed-like app (doesn't have to be Android can be any open platform) or as cameraphone independent apps
- API for smartphones and tablets and desktop computers to completely control all functions of the camera
- open source software- the differentiator here is not the software but the quality of the overall camera experience which is software plus awesome camera tactile controls plus an awesome EVF plus awesome lens(es)
21st century cameras are social and on the internet and awesome-ized by software and sensors