I stand by my previous S5 photo post and S5 impressionistic review: great in day time; water resistance is useless since once the touch screen gets wet it doesn't break but it also doesn't work; bad auto-focus at night and generally a bad camera in low light; souless in the same way top of the range Windows PCs used to be but it gets the job done just like those souless top of the line Windows PCs that people forget; still no really great photo apps unlike the iPhone 5s.
tl;dr Normal people will be happy with the photos from the Samsung Galaxy S5; if you are photo geek or user experience geek you will get a non Samsung phone like the iPhone or the HTC M8 or a the Nokia 1020 (if you are one of the few remaining cameraphone users who values raw image sensor quality above all else).
21st century cameras are social and on the internet and awesome-ized by software and sensors