Roland Tanglao

Adobe is doing a great job with their Lightroom Mobile iOS and Android apps

Not sure about desktop Lightroom

Adobe is doing a great job with their Lightroom Mobile apps on iOS and Android. On the Notes they support the stylus (long live the Note 5, it's a great phone sad about the EOL'd Note 7), on the iPhone 7 Plus they support the 2 camera sensors and many more... Kudos to the team!

Now if only the could get Lightroom on Mac OS X . . .

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October 16, 2016

For $US30 a month for 2 years I can have an iPhone 7 plus so why do I need a point and shoot?

I actually think it's less than $30 a month (and the inevitable Samsung two camera sensor cameraphone iPhone clone will be cheaper in a year or two). And then after 2 years the phone is yours. And it has a zoom. Good bye point and shoots once and for all! Good riddance. If the point and shoots auto-synced their photos w/an iPhone or . . .

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September 11, 2016

Stopped using Fuji's app

Why because it's too slow. Switched to Eye-Fi card

I lose the GPS but Eye-Fi's WiFi works so much better than Fuji's apps.And who really needs single point GPS anyway? Fingers crossed that Fuji's app will become more usable someday (e.g auto-connect, so you don't have to do the phone + Fuji camera dance every single time!).

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August 07, 2016

Fujifilm Cam Remote works better with iPhone6S Plus than Google Nexus 6P

isn't Android supposed to better at networking? and multitasking?

( The iPhone6 Plus was better than the Samsung S6 Edge too so there appears to be a pattern here :-) ! )
The iPhone6S plus pairs very quickly with Fuji's Cam Remote. The Huawei Nexus 6P didn't; it was noticeably slower and more awkward. Huawei's fault? Android's fault? Google's fault? Who knows but it just goes to show . . .

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January 03, 2016

Flickr app doesn't auto-upload X100T photos transferred via WiFi & flickr app on Android

but it does auto-upload them on iOS

So I guess that's a bug in Android OS or the Android flickr app?

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January 01, 2016

PREDICTION:By 31Dec2016 there will be an awesome iPad Pro RAW editor

check back in Dec 2016 to see if I am right

You get what you pay for :-) But I think all you need is something like Lightroom Mobile but programmed from an iPad Pro point of view first (i.e. including stylus and keyboard and solving the external storage / SD import problem AND not needing desktop sync or any other legacy kludges)!!!!!!

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December 27, 2015

How to transfer RAW files from X100T to Note5

plug the USB OTG cable into the Note5 not the X100T

Plugging the USB OTG cable into the X100T doesn't work.

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December 27, 2015


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